The Placement and Internship Programme (PIP) is initiated by the Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and dedicated to connecting the industrial partners to engineering students through providing job opportunities and resources. The employers may register through the PIP for making job announcements and hosting recruitment events. PIP provides the most effective platform for the employers to reach out to our engineering students as their future employees.
How employers may benefit from PIP?

What types of jobs covered by PIP?
Work Study Programme are designated for students who have completed the penultimate year of study and are interested to take a gap year for engaging in a one-year internship.
A student taking the work study programme will involve in a supervised training in the participating company normally for 12 months. The training normally commences in May/June, right after the completion of the penultimate year of study. The company will provide a structured training programme, with proper supervision, by which the student can acquire a wide range of skills and be well exposed to practical working environment. During the one-year internship period, students will be employed as a contract staff of the company and entitled to a monthly salary and subjected to the protection of the labour ordinance of the HKSAR.
A student participating in the work-study programme must seek prior approval from the major department if he/she wishes to resign from the work-study company. Otherwise, a remark of "did not complete the work-study programme / internship programme" will be recorded on the student's academic transcript.
Special Notes on Work-Study Programme
Summer Internship provides the opportunities for students to engage in a full-time job in the summer term, which spans from mid-May to end of August. Students who are interested in applying for summer internships have to submit their applications to the company directly.
During the period, students are employed as temporary employees with an employment contract complying with the relevant labour ordinance of the HKSAR and that of the PRC if students are required to work in the Mainland. Usually companies would assign duties related to the students' fields of study. If the project duration spans over the summer period and the students would like to continue the work, they can discuss with professors and arrange to continue the work as their final year projects subject to approval of their departments.
Internship (Others) (non-summer period) are for the recruitment of students to work in a period outside the summer term. Students who are interested in this kind of jobs have to submit their applications to the company directly. While full-time students are not expected to take full-time jobs during the regular term time, students taking up such internship should get approval from their department before signing the employment contract.
Part-time Jobs recruitment advertisements are also available on the PIP web. Students who are interested in hunting part-time jobs have to submit their applications to the company directly.
Posting a Job or Internship
Employers intended to post a job or internship on the PIP platform should first create a company account with us, where they will be asked to provide information about the services, products or accomplishments of the company.
Upon the creation of a company account, employers may start posting a new job by inputting the details of the job, which may include specific examples of the type of work involved for the internship or job, the competencies or skill sets required for each position, etc. All postings would be reviewed and approved by staff within two working days.
For details please refer to our step-by-step User Guide for Company or contact us if there is any query.
More about our Students
Companies that have joined PIP are welcome to post job advertisement to recruit our graduates, who will be available to work as early as May. Every year, the six departments of Faculty of Engineering, CUHK trains over 500 students for different engineering disciplines. The following are the six engineering departments at CUHK:
Department Website
Department Website
Department Website
Department Website
Department Website
Department Website