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Teach For Hong Kong Fellowship Program Recruitment Talk
Dear final-year students,
Are you interested in a graduation opportunity that accelerates your professional development, while launching an impact-driven career in any direction?
With Teach for Hong Kong, you will serve as a full-time teacher in an underprivileged school to drive direct education impact projects and gain frontline education insights.
Join our 1-hour Recruitment Talk to learn more about a Fellow’s day-to-day impact-making journey on student issues, personal and career growth, as well as important application tips for our Fellowship application!
Teach For Hong Kong Fellowship Program Recruitment Talk - Session Details
Date: 13th October, 2022
Time: 20:00-21:00
Format: Zoom (English)
Guest: Kenny Lam - TFHK Fellow 2021-22
More about Kenny
Kenny worked as a Business Analyst at McKinsey before joining us as a TFHK Fellow.
He joined TFHK Fellowship hoping to understand first-hand education insights, as well as to make a change to education issues he dearly connects to.
Devoted to education in the long-run, Kenny is now taking a Masters in Learning Design, Innovation and Technology at Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Sign-up method
Fill out the typeform here to know more about Fellowship: bit.ly/TFHK_RT_13Oct
Feel free to contact Brian at brian@tfhk.org for more information!